- Kijkwijzer 12
- Drugs
- Groftaalgebruik
Kijkhuis and Studium Generale present: Neutrino – ’the poet among the elementary particles’.
What starts out as individual physics research slowly transforms into a universal, existential quest.
Directors Jan van den Berg en Hannie van den Bergh will be attending the screening for a Q&A.
Neutrino is a poetic-philosophical documentary showing the interconnectedness of an elementary particle, ‘countless gods’, picking chestnuts, pixels on a computer screen and the art of tofu making. In encounters with colourful scientists and villagers, the film shows how the elusive elementary particle called “neutrino” manages to bridge the gap between scientific research and village life, between the invisible quantum world and tangible reality, and between the will to know and the magic of not-knowing.
Read more HERE.